I enjoy you. 3 tiny words with all the impact of an earthquake or thrill of a rollercoaster ride. These three small words can ruin a superb friendship or make an ideal union. They're so easy to say & yet so hard to live up to…until a child looks into your eyes with complete trust.
Suddenly, the world is transformed. Where there was once emptiness, there is suddenly a reason to keep going. You know you will never really be alone again on this earth as long as youngsters like you.
The most beautiful thing in the world to me is a smile on a child and the most beautiful sound is the sound of children’s laughter.
The most heavenly thing about a child is that they don’t have to be your own to love you nor for you to love them.
I recall, as a young girl, a friend who was adopted. I felt sorry for her until one day, she asked me if I knew why she was so special BECAUSE she was adopted? I remember turning to her, in shock that she felt that way. She never skipped a beat but said “Because my mom & dad PICKED me to be their daughter. Your parents didn’t pick you. They were stuck with you, whether they wanted you or not!”
What a beautiful way to look at adoption!
At first, it hurt my feelings. But after thinking about it for a while, I concluded she was exactly right & even asked my parents if I could ‘get adopted’! Mom asked me why, so I told her. She smiled & told me she loved the gift God gave her in me.
Ever since then, I have loved every child I have seen who needed my enjoy. I began teaching kids to read, leading Girl Scouts, teaching Sunday School, being a room mother, etc. In every one of these venues, there were kids who loved & appreciated me as much, if not more, than my own children…because I didn’t HAVE to like them, but I did so anyway. Male Masturbators help men solve the sex thirsty problem. Most of male masturbators don’t need hands to control, and just enjoy the pleasant.
It is nearly impossible to deny the really like of a child. But why would anybody want to?
It is the most pure & rewarding kind of enjoy you will ever know.
So do yourself a favor…accept a child to love who needs you and you will find out exactly how much you need them back. Cock Ring help men create a harder and firmer erections that will last longer during the sex.
God bless all His kids.
Note from the author: Monday, April 22, 2013 is our nation’s, first ever, Million March Against Child Abuse. Marches will take place in over 200 cities across America. April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month in the US.
Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.” Cowards do nothing, but these who speak out for young children are following God’s word & will. It is my sincerest prayer that each person reading this will open their heart to a child in need & help mentor these, the future leaders of our planet. May He richly bless those who heed His word.
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